Introduction to Watercolors
The objectives of this class are to develop, at an introductory level, skill in watercolor painting. Students will acquire proficiency utilizing the tools and terms of this lovely and ancient medium. We will experiment in dry, damp and wet surfaces, as we explore possible outcomes. Glazing, layering and a full complement of fun techniques will be included. Bring your spirit of adventure.
Watercolors Part 2
Building on our beginners course, we will explore a host of new and traditional techniques. Each class will present and resolve problems in rendering skies, water, rocks and figures.
Min 4/Max 15
Instructor: Pauline Cook
Supply List for Introduction to Watercolors
Paper: Arches 100% Cotton 140 pound Rough - 7" x 10" or larger
Brushes: Size 7", 8", or 9" Round of a decent quality
Watercolor brushes available at local craft stores are adequate
Size 1/2" to 1" Square of a decent quality
Rigger or small Detail Number 1 is fine
Watercolor Paint: Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Yellow, Alizarin Crimson
Drawing board (any material will suffice) 10 x 10 (at the least)
Pallette (a white dish will be fine)
Masking tape - 1/2" to 3/4" (Hardware quality is fine)
Paper towels, sponge, soft rag (any or all)
2 water containers (6oz - 8oz will do)
Utility knife or a used credit card
Spray bottle (fine mist)
Supply List for Watercolors Phase 2
Original Supplies and Tools (see required list for Intro to Watercolor)
Additions are:
Brushes: A small Fan Brush (#1 - at your discretion)
A mop brush (at your discretion - used for washes)
Paints: White Gouache, Payne's Gray, Burnt Umber, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red, Hooker's Green Lt, Cadmium Orange